Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Donkey Kong Video Walk Through

Donkey Kong Characters

Pauline (initially known as Lady or the Lady in Japan) was Mario's original girlfriend and the original damsel-in-distress in the arcade game Donkey Kong who was captured by Cranky Kong. She is one of the few damsels in the Mario series who is not a princess, but simply a woman.I found this at www.supermariowiki.com

Donkey Kong Characters

Cranky Kong is Donkey Kong's Fourth Wall-breaking and constantly complaining and rambling father. He can also be described as a cantankerous old curmudgeon. He is believed to be the original Donkey Kong from the Donkey Kong arcade game.Next up Donkey Kong video walk through(after Pauline).I found this at www.supermariowiki.com

Donkey Kong Characters

Mario is the main character of the Mario series and Nintendo's primary mascot. Mario is normally a plumber, but in games, he uses his legendary jump and combat abilities to defend the inhabitants of the usually peaceful Mushroom World from power-hungry villains such as Bowser. When not adventuring, Mario participates in a variety of sporting events and even works as one of his alter-egos, Dr. Mario.
Mario was created out of necessity by Shigeru Miyamoto after Nintendo lost the license to create a video game based on the Popeye universe. The designers kept the gameplay, but created a new cast of characters. Mario assumed Popeye's role, and the game was released as the arcade version of Donkey Kong. In this game, he was originally referred to as "Jumpman." Jumpman was renamed "Mario" when an employee at Nintendo of America's office in New York City pointed out the similar physical appearances of Jumpman and Nintendo's Italian landlord, Mario Segale. [1]
Since then, Mario has appeared in nearly every title in the Super Mario series. In addition, he has appeared in multiple television programs, comic books, and even a feature film. He is currently one of the most recognizable fictional characters in the world, having appeared in hundreds of video games.I found this at www.supermariowiki.com

Donkey Kong

This is the complete walk through of Donkey Kong.This is the map(note this is nes nintendo entertainment system not arcade version).Now the characters  in the next post.I found this at www.vgmaps.com

Video Game Journal

The Video Game Journal will be a video walk through of the many games I know of. Along with all characters items and a time line(if the series has one).